The Fantastic Five Dialog Tag

Guys. Guys. Guess what? I’m doing something I’ve never done before. I’m starting a blog tag. At least I think I am. Odds are this has been done before, but frankly, I don’t care. I’ll call it…the Fabulous Five Dialog tag. Super catchy, am I right?

But Mr. Nate, sir, what is this superb new concept you’ve brought to life? 

*Friendly pat on the head* Excellent question, little writerling. The Fantastic Five Dialog tag simply means I’m going to share five of my favorite out-of-context dialog lines from my work-in-progress novel and then tag some friends to share some of their own! Simple stuff, but I think it’s gonna be fun.

So here are five of my favorite out-of-context lines from Where The Woods Grow Wild (coming soon to Amazon near you!)…

“Why, you clod-brained, gimpy hog-moggins, I’m not evil!”

“A girl has to be resourceful. Besides, it’s a very noble kitchen knife.”

“Willows don’t like me, so naturally they start yelling at me the moment I fly by, and they forget they’re yelling when they go back to talking about things they intended to keep secret.”

“Fine, then, be that way. Yes, I found it when I was cleaning out one of his old desk drawers, and I took it because he has enough brass rings to fill a bean jar.”

“Take him away! Chop off his feet and light them on fire! Or throw quails at him!”

As it turns out, choosing just five bits of dialog was hard, but those are some of my favorites. I’ll go ahead and tag some people now (participation is voluntary, so if you’re not tagged and want to, go for it!):

Hannah Heath 

C.E.L. Stefani

Raychel Rose from That Bright Young Thing

Hope Ann from Writing in the Light

Kel Giese from A Teen’s Life 

Now it’s your turn! Have a favorite dialog line in mind? Share it in the comments below!


10 thoughts on “The Fantastic Five Dialog Tag

  1. “Clod-brained, gimpy hog-moggins.” This shall be my new phrase. =) Based on the dialogue, you’ve got a pretty awesome WIP.

    Thanks for the tag! Looking forward to jumping in soon.


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