Where the Woods Grow Wild

Where the Woods Grow Wild is a (generally) lighthearted fantasy-adventure novel. It was released on December 10th, 2016 and its paperback edition is approximately 375 pages long.

A forest looms over Bardun Village. Nobody goes in. Nothing comes out. The secrets in the oaks remain hidden until a mischievous escapade thrusts Martin and Elodie behind the silent trees. Separated and lost in a tangle of fantasy, they discover more than animals roam where the woods grow wild.


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Kindle Edition (check out the Look Inside feature for a preview!) 

Paperback Edition

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A couple of months ago I decided to teach myself digital painting. I have a lot to learn still, but I’m having way too much fun bringing my characters to life not to share! I’ll keep this section updated as I paint more characters (Bramble will probably be next!)

Elodie Tuck, Mayor Clarenbald’s Speediest  Courier